======================= NEWS for mailmanclient ======================= .. _news-3-3-5: 3.3.5 (2023-01-04) ================== - Add support for Python 3.11. - Remove support for Python 3.7 & 3.8. (See !181) .. _news-3-3-4: 3.3.4 (2022-10-23) ================== - URL quote the query in find_user* methods. (Fixes :issue:`75`) - Add support for Python 3.10 and drops support for 3.6. .. _news-3.3.3: 3.3.3 (2021-09-02) ================== - Add ``pre_confirmed`` and ``pre_approved`` parameters to ``MailingList.unsubscribe``. (Fixes :issue:`62`) - Add support to fetch pending unsubscription requests. (Closes :issue:`63`) - Add ``member_id`` as a property of ``Member`` object. (Closes :issue:`64`) - Return pending token when a Member is unsubscribed. (Closes :issue:`65`) - Allow specifying a reason when handling subscription requests (Closes :issue:`66`) - Add support to specify fields when fetching a roster. (Closes :issue:`67`) - Add a mechanism to hook into the request parameters. (Closes :issue:`68`) - Add basic support for async client for Mailman API. - Allow specifying ``delivery_mode`` and ``delivery_status`` when subscribing a Member. (Closes :issue:`78`) - Add a new ``Client.find_users`` API which allows searching for the users. (Closes :issue:`71`) - Add bounce parameters in Member resource. .. _news-3.3.2: 3.3.2 (2021-01-10) ================== - Add two new ``get_requests()`` and ``get_requests_count()`` to get pending subscription requests``MailingList.get_requests`` is the new API to fetch pending requests and supersedes the previous ``requests`` property. (See :pr:`121`) - Add ``Member.subscription_mode`` to determine if a User is subscribed or an Address. (See :pr:`121`) - Add a new ``get_held_count()`` API to get a count of held messages for a ``MailingList``. (See :pr:`122`) - Add ``display_name`` to the pending subscription requests. (Fixes :issue:`55`) - Allow setting a ``Member``'s ``address`` attribute. (See :pr:`128`) - Add support for inviting an email address to join a list. - Rewrite urls according to the ``baseurl`` used to instantiate ``Client`` instead of relying on ``self_link``. (Fixes :issue:`22`) - Add ``get_request`` API to MailingList to get individual request objects. - Add ``send_welcome_message`` parameter to MailingList.subscribe() to suppress welcome message. (Closes :issue:`61`) 3.3.1 (2020-06-01) ================== - Held message moderation now supports an optional keyword, ``reason`` to specify the reason to reject the message. (Closes :issue:`49`) - Fix a bug where missing ``display_name`` attribute with ``MalingList.subscribe`` would subscribe the user with a display name of "None". (Fixes :issue:`52`) - Add ``advertised`` flag to ``MailingList`` object. (See :pr:`115`) - ``MailingList.nonmembers`` now uses ``roster/nonmembers`` resource instead of the ``find/`` API for consistency. - Add ``Client.get_nonmember`` and ``MailingList.get_nonmember`` to get a non-member by address. (Fixes :issue:`47`) 3.3.0 (2019-09-03) ================== * Add a ``mail_host`` parameter to ``get_list_page`` and ``find_lists`` to support filtering the response by a list domain. * URL encode values in URL which are url unsafe. (Closes :issue:`44`) * Add support to mass unsubscribe memebrs from a Mailing List. (Closes :issue:`43`) * Add support to set a user's preferred address. (See :pr:`99`) * Add a new ``tag`` attribute to HeaderMatches and support to find a set of matches based on tag. 3.2.2 (2019-02-09) ================== 3.2.1 (2019-01-04) ================== * Add support for Python 3.7 * Add ``description`` as a property of ``MailingList``. Initially, this was a part of ``Preferences`` object, which would mean an additional API call to get the description of a Mailing List. (Closes :issue:`35`) * ``MailingList.get_members`` no longer requires ``address`` as a mandatory argument which allows searching for all memberships of of a particular role. Also, ``role`` no longer has a default argument, so that we can search for all memberships of an address. 3.2.0 (2018-07-10) ================== Changes ------- * Add '.pc' (patch directory) to list of ignored patterns when building the documentation with Sphinx. * `Mailinglist.add_owner` and `Mailinglist.add_moderator` now accept an additional `display_name` argument that allows associating display names with these memberships. * Add a new API ``Client.find_lists`` which allows filtering mailing lists related to a subscriber. It optionally allows a role, which filters the lists that the address is subscribed to with that role. Backwards Incompatible Changes ------------------------------- * `MailingList.owners` and `MailingList.moderators` now returns a list of `Member` objects instead of a list of emails. * `Domain.owners` now returns a list of `User` objects instead of just a dictionary of JSON response. (:pr:`63`) * Python 2.7 is no longer supported. 3.1.1 (2017-10-07) ================== * Python3 compatibility is fixed, mailmanclient is now compatible through Python2.7 - Python3.6 * Internal source code is now split into several class-specific modules as compared to previously a single giant _client module. * All the RestObjects, like MailingList, are now exposed from the top level import. * Old `mailmanclient._client` module is added back for compatibility with versions of Postorius that use some internal APIs. 3.1 (2017-05-25) ================ * Bug fixes. * Align with Mailman 3.1 Core REST API. * Python3 compatibility is broken because of a urllib bug. 1.0.1 (2015-11-14) ================== * Bugfix release. 1.0.0 (2015-04-17) ================== * Port to Python 3.4. * Run test suite with `tox`. * Use vcrpy for HTTP testing. * Add list archiver access. * Add subscription moderation 1.0.0a1 (2014-03-15) ==================== * Initial release.